How can you consume more water?

Most people will meet their fluid requirements by drinking water when they are thirsty. If you are dehydrated or you know that you don’t drink enough water you can still take simple steps to meet your daily requirements.

  1. Water with flavour is a great way to add interest to your water

Do you dislike the taste of plain tap water? Try adding a little lemon or lime to your water. It will make your drink more exciting and you’ll want to drink it more. Other choices include fruit or herb tea or diluted fruit squash.

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  1. Drink little & often

It’s not necessary to drink gallons of liquid to stay hydrated. It is often easier to stay hydrated by drinking little and often. A top tip is to drink water at every meal and snack throughout the day. Start the day with a glass of water. Drink it with each meal and snack. Invest in Water Cooler Wales from

  1. Eat water-rich foods

Eating foods that are high in water is another easy way to increase your water intake. Although most of our fluid intake comes from beverages, about 20% to 30% is from food. Many fruits and vegetables such as courgettes and cucumbers, tomatoes and melon have high water content, and contribute to fluid intake.

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  1. Keep a bottle near you

Out of sight, out-of-mind can be the reason for not drinking enough. To correct this problem, you should keep a litre of water near your desk so you can develop the habit of drinking water throughout the day. As a reminder, place a water bottle or jug at your desk, next to your bed, and on the kitchen counter.

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